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Krisgreg30's Shop

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I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.




I currently work at the top end of Primary school in Year 5/6. I create resources for a range of subjects and am always open to suggestions for resources people require.
Phase 3 Phonics - 'oa' Activity

Phase 3 Phonics - 'oa' Activity

An activity that works on ‘oa’ with various images that include ‘oa’ within them where children are then required to fill in the missing gaps with the correct phonemes/ graphemes, using the image as a clue to support. An answer sheet is also included in the resource. Images are courtesy of Pixabay.
'sh' Writing Lesson

'sh' Writing Lesson

A writing lesson that focuses on being able to use the ‘sh’ phoneme. Included is a lesson PowerPoint that breaks into two different activities and an activity for the first activity with answer sheet. The first part of the lesson focuses on being able to identify the missing sounds/ graphemes based on an image and the ‘sh’ already provided. This then leads into an activity that requires children to apply this independently. Following this, children will practise as a group using them in sentences before independently writing their own sentences.
'oa' Writing Lesson

'oa' Writing Lesson

A writing lesson that focuses on being able to use the ‘oa’ phoneme. Included is a lesson PowerPoint that breaks into two different activities and an activity for the first activity with answer sheet. The first part of the lesson focuses on being able to identify the missing sounds/ graphemes based on an image and the ‘oa’ already provided. This then leads into an activity that requires children to apply this independently. Following this, children will practise as a group using them in sentences before independently writing their own sentences.
Nouns Lessons (x2)

Nouns Lessons (x2)

Two fully resourced lessons that focus on nouns. Included are lesson PowerPoints, activities and answer sheets. The first lesson focuses on being able to work on nouns in general, identifying them either in the environment around them or in sentences. This is then followed up with a second lesson that focuses on being able to sort between common and proper nouns. Images included are courtesy of Pixabay
Modal Verbs

Modal Verbs

A lesson that focuses on modal verbs. Included are three differentiated worksheets, a word mat, that can be trimmed in half, that includes modal verbs and the lesson presentation.
Abstract Nouns

Abstract Nouns

A set of lesson slides and differentiated worksheets that focus on abstract nouns as well as recapping other nouns. Written for Year 5 but easily adaptable for other year groups.
Sikhism Reading Comprehension

Sikhism Reading Comprehension

A reading comprehension resource that acts as an introduction/ general overview for Sikhism, focusing on what it is, what Sikhism believe in, worship for Sikhism and the Five Ks. This resource includes: A fact file about Sikhism (both in colour and black and white for ink saving purposes) 3 different comprehension activities of differing challenge - answers are included for these A vocabulary activity that requires definitions to be found for each word provided.
Easter and Ramadan Comparison (3 lessons)

Easter and Ramadan Comparison (3 lessons)

Three lessons that look at focusing on developing understanding of Easter and Ramadan before being able to make comparisons between the two different religious festivals. The lessons also focus on developing reading as well as religious understanding. The first lesson focuses on Easter. This includes a text with information about Easter. The text also includes a section for vocabulary and a section for adding notes. The text forms the basis of the lesson (which can then be found in the lesson PowerPoints) that includes developing reading fluency of the text, discussion of the vocabulary that forms the left hand side of the text, a chance to discuss Easter, with an opportunity for the class to make notes, and a quiz and discussion to end the lesson. The second lesson focuses on Ramadan. This follows the same style of the first lesson with a text with information about Ramadan. The text again includes a section for vocabulary and a section for adding notes. The text forms the basis of the lesson (which can then be found in the lesson PowerPoints) that includes developing reading fluency of the text, discussion of the vocabulary that forms the left hand side of the text, a chance to discuss Ramadan, with an opportunity for the class to make notes, and a quiz and discussion to end the lesson. The third lesson then provides the opportunity for children to revisit the two texts about Easter and Ramadan before engaging in discussions and an activity that require them to consider similarities and differences between Easter and Ramadan, completing a Venn diagram to finalise the sequence of lessons.
-ai Phonics Activity

-ai Phonics Activity

An activity based around -ai for children. Included are cards with all the letters of the alphabet and the ai phoneme where children can then practise seeing what words they can create when blending sounds together. Recommended to print two sets of the letter cards.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Chapter Fourteen Reading Comprehension Questions

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Chapter Fourteen Reading Comprehension Questions

37 different questions for Chapter Fourteen of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl that test a range of skills. These can be used for guided reading sessions or to give children as activities to support guided reading sessions/ whole class reading comprehensions. The questions follow the order of the chapter but don't have answers attached as the answers can vary depending on the child's opinion.
Because, But, So - Living Things (Year 6)

Because, But, So - Living Things (Year 6)

20 different writing activities that link to content from the Year 6 unit for Living Things and their Habitats to support the development of using different conjunctions in writing as well as thinking carefully about some of the knowledge and how they can apply the conjunctions appropriately using what they know about the subject area. There are 20 days worth of activities, with each day having a different link to knowledge from the unit. Each day includes three different slides that follow the I do, we do, you do model. However, it doesn’t need to be that each day you follow the model and that you may just model and then get pupils to do the you do or leave it up as pupils enter the classroom for them to then have a go at the because, but, so. The idea is that it is short focused writing, with the full session lasting 15 to 20 minutes if using all three elements and shorter where all three elements aren’t used. Slides can be used as a pick up and go and don’t need to be done in the order set out.
The Five Ks Reading Comprehension

The Five Ks Reading Comprehension

A reading comprehension resource that focuses on the Five Ks, providing information about the Five Ks and their importance for Sikhs as well as activities linked to this to check understanding. The fact file includes information about each of the Five Ks separately as well as supporting information about their introduction and importance. The resource includes: A fact file about the Five Ks mentioned above (both in colour and black and white for ink saving purposes) 3 different comprehension activities of differing challenge - answers are included for these A vocabulary activity that requires definitions to be found for each word provided.
Layers of the Earth Reading Comprehension

Layers of the Earth Reading Comprehension

A reading comprehension resource that focuses on the layers of the Earth, providing information about the different layers as well as activities linked to this to check understanding. The resource includes: A fact file about the layers of the Earth mentioned above (both in colour and black and white for ink saving purposes) 2 different comprehension activities - 1 with written responses required and one as a multiple choice activity with answers provided for both A vocabulary activity that requires definitions to be found for each word provided.
Quick Read Comprehension Tasks

Quick Read Comprehension Tasks

Five different short extracts followed by comprehension questions that act as a quick reading skill task to provide children with. All the extracts were courtesy of the World Book Day website.
Active and Passive Voice Mini-Lesson

Active and Passive Voice Mini-Lesson

A lesson that aims to last approximately 30 minutes on being able to convert from active to passive voice. This was originally used as an interview lesson but can quite easily be used as a mini-lesson to recap or introduce active and passive before looking to extend or link to writing outcomes. Included in the resource is: A lesson PowerPoint with recap, key vocabulary, modelling, guided and independent practice. There are also pink and green bubbles to provide support and challenge throughout. Worksheet that includes the elements of the lesson, as well as a support structure down the side of the sheet to refer back to for key vocabulary and examples. An adapted worksheet with sentence stems should it be needed for children.
Year 6 Writing Aids

Year 6 Writing Aids

A set of resources available to use to help children's writing that will continue to be developed. They are made with Year 6 in mind but can easily be used for other year groups to aid their writing. Included so far are: A general writing help mat Examples of time adverbials Examples of imperative verbs Examples of pronouns A checklist for some of the different writing genres Year 6 Moderation grids for working towards, at and greater depth Prepositional phrases Punctuating speech A wordmat/ display poster for each of the openers for ISPACE with lots of different openers within each section and then examples of how they can be used in sentences. A range of sheets with helpful descriptions for children when writing stories including: describing different features of characters, settings and creating atmosphere through the weather and seasons. Aspostrophes for contraction with examples A copy of the short story for working towards (1) and short story for working at expected standard (2) - Get children to assess each piece for strengths and weaknesses (annotated versions also included so children can see why they are what they are) Year 5/6 Spellings Word Mat Adjectives Word Mat Adverbs Word Mat Definition activity sheets for 5/6 spellings - Get children to use dictionaries to define the 5/6 words so that they have a better understanding of what the word means before they use it in their writing Differentiated activities based around apostrophes for contractions Sentence structure activities that work on children identifying different parts of sentences and playing around with clause structures including Christmas ones Comma activity based around Christmas Adjective activities based around Christmas Speech activities Handwriting activities that show children joins and also where they can make the selective choice not to join A copy of the letter writing for working at greater depth (1), working at expected standard (2) and working towards expected standard (3) - Get children to assess each piece for strengths and weaknesses (annotated versions also included so children can see why they are what they are) A help mat with examples of cohesive devices for children to use A word mat with synonyms for said to aid writing that includes dialogue Writing prompt cards - Cut these out and use either as instant marking tools or reminders for lessons - 28 cards that work towards the Year 6 writing statements Sets of 20 pictures with scenery or scenes from films that create great independent writing Help sheets to improve scientific writing - Show writing progression across subjects
Nelson Mandela Reading Comprehension

Nelson Mandela Reading Comprehension

A fact file about Nelson Mandela that is also a reading comprehension. This includes three differentiated worksheets with 16 questions each and answers included to test children's comprehension knowledge as well as learning about Nelson Mandela at the same time.
Wollaton Hall Information Text/ Comprehension

Wollaton Hall Information Text/ Comprehension

An information text about Wollaton Hall that also includes comprehension activities with a summarising task and a sheet of comprehension questions that also includes answers. Can be used for learning about Wollaton Hall or simply as part of reading lessons to support the ability to summarise or retrieve information from a text.